
Notion vs Jira - Find out which project management software is better for you

Is Jira the better project management tool in relation to Notion, or is it the other way around? To find out the answer, read our comparison right below.


Jira offers you all the features that are seen as essential to a project management service. As you may well imagine, these features are common across services of a similar nature- ranging from creating and tracking tasks or their equivalent to marking one as finished. Suffice to say that these features function well enough in Jira- you wouldn’t be added by frequent software crashes or allied problems. But one feature which helps Jira stand out from its competition is Sprints.

Just as the physical world we inhabit is built around infrastructures like roads and bridges, our technological world has software for its backbone. It is no exaggeration to say that more software products are created these days than ever before. One key reason is that even companies that are not in the software business may need software development teams to support their business. As anyone involved in software development could tell you, sprints are an important- almost indispensable- part of many a related project.

This, added to the fact that more companies are adopting agile practices now makes the Sprints feature in Jira handy for a large number of companies. (Agile methods strive to make sprints run smoother, among other things). The feature helps you guide a sprint efficiently even as it fosters teamwork.  

While that’s a high point for Jira, the project management tool disappoints with its interface. This is even more pronounced given that an intuitive interface design is a priority for just about any software these days.

In certain areas of the tool, you are faced with a cluttered interface. This inadvertently forces you to spend more time than is reasonable before you could master how to use certain features. If you are willing to spare that kind of time, Jira does have impressive features to help you in your project management journey.


Similar to Jira, Notion too brings you all the essential features for efficient project management. The software is built solidly enough that it affords smooth functioning without unwanted hang-ups. Considering that many workflow management tools d have issues like getting stuck while you are using them, that’s commendable.

But smooth functioning and inclusion of essential features are not the only ways in which Jira and Notion are similar. Like Jira, Notion’s interface to leaves a lot to be desired.

 The placement of information feels haphazard in places and that can slow down your use of the tool- regardless of the efficacy of the underlying infrastructure. But if you can get over that hiccup, Notion certainly rewards you with a wide set of features that should suffice for managing a typical project.

Should you choose Jira or Notion?

Both Jira and Notion are equally useful when it comes to managing projects of a typical nature- ones that are low on complexity and in the number of sprints. However, if it involves a large number of sprints, Jira is just the tool for you.

Should there have been more to these services?

Anyone who has been in charge of a project would tell you that a worrying element is uncertainty you sometimes face regarding when it could be delivered. Contingencies and dependencies are part of any project. But even the best-laid plans would be thrown off course if team members face unexpected troubles that slow them down.

A key metric to predict project delivery time is the time duration team members already spent on their tasks. This historic data would help accurately predict when the project can be delivered.

That might sound like a simple idea. But surprisingly enough, there is no way to precisely measure the duration someone spends on a task in many of the project management tools- including Jira and Notion. But the platform called  I’m Productive helps you do exactly that.

 In fact, the tool even has an AI which lets you get an accurate prediction of project delivery, that too by just clicking on a button. Visit their website and learn more about how I’m Productive could help with your project management requirements.

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